Western Aviation Svc Ltd
Establishment at 5980 2 Street, Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H4, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Western Aviation Svc Ltd: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
5980 2 Street
Grand Forks
British Columbia V0H 1H4
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+1 250-442-8616
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About westav.ca
Western Aviation Services Ltd. » Aircraft AME
Full range of aviation services and maintenance,ultralight sales, engine/spare parts, flight training,aircraft rentals,repairs,inspections,overhaul,and modifications - including single and twin piston,general aviation, american registered aircraft, commercial, private, ultralight, and custom built aircraft, Ron Wyers.
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Today's weather in Grand Forks
22:00 3 ℃ 1011 hPa 80 % 0 m/s